domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010

A Note on "c+h"

You know all about the [tsch] sound of "ch" in words such as church, match, choice, cheer, arch, achieve, chief, and children.
However, the combination c+h is not always pronounced this way.
1. Sometimes the h is there between a c and a "soft vowel" to indicate that the hard [k] sound is needed, e.g. architecture, ache, scheme, anarchist, archive, catechism, schism, chiropodist, monarchy, psychiatric, chasm, chemical.
2. Sometimes "ch" in words of foreign origin is pronounced [sh], e.g. in mustache, cache, niche, chic, machine

The Spelling of Greek Names
The Greeks used a different alphabet from ours. Ours is basically the Roman alphabet, which was derived from the Greek through Etruscan (and the Greek alphabet itself was adapted from the Phoenician). But although the two alphabets are related, there are differences in the ways they represent sounds, and other factors contribute to a certain amount of variation in the way modern English speakers spell ancient Greek names.
Take for example the Greek letter chi, which could also be spelled khi (usually pronounced in English to rhyme with "high", but in Greek it sounded more like "key"). The sound it represented is "K" with an aspiration or puff of air -- actually the same sound as our initial "K" sound, again as in "key". It differed from another hard "K" sound without aspiration, which was represented by the letter kappa "K", and sounded like the "k" in "skate". (If you can't hear the difference, try holding your hand in front of your mouth as you say the two words. When you say "key" you should feel a puff of air, but when you say "skate" you should not.)
Standard English spelling of Greek names is filtered through Latin, which is where some problems develop. The Greek letter chi has the same basic form as our "X". Latin, however, used "X" to represent the sound "ks"; and because the Latin alphabet did not have a letter that corresponded exactly to chi, it used the combination "ch" to represent it. It did not use "kh" because it cropped "k" in favor of "c" to represent that particular sound. (In Greek "C" or "sigma" represented our "S" sound; and modern English "C" varies between [K] and [S] accoring to context.)

La supresión de la "S"
The Mani Greek Dialect is characterised by the pronunciation of (/Υ/, /υ/, /ου/) from ypsilon from the modern Greek /οι, ι/ to the more ancient /ου/ ie. “Ancient Greek υ and οι have become /i/ in nearly all varieties of Modern Greek, however, a number of areas (including Mani) have (/Υ/, /υ/, /ου/) ”, plus velar palatalisation, The deletion of Word Final /s/, /Σ/, /ς/, in Mani and its offspring dialect in Cargese, Corsica and shares vocabulary, phonological, and grammatical features with the Tsakonian and Greek Dialect

El resultado final
In Crete we speak greek, BUT we have our own dialect.
Ther first that you have to know, is that we don´t speak always the "K" like a "K", we speak it like "tsch".
Here a example: In grecian you say KAPETANAKI. In Crete you say KAPETANATSCHI !!
My slogen is always: "My name is Kapetanatschi and the "tsch" with "k"!

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